Filters & Filtration System

Filters & Filtration System

PreZZure Hydraulics supplies filters for Mobile I Construction I Industrial segments, an highly qualified area and globally recognized in the mechanics sector with a strong specialization in the field of hydraulic and components for different segments.

Our experience and cooperation with key customers has allowed us to develop, over the years, a complete range of filters for industrial applications to meet all needs, from the aftermarket to the OEM field.

PreZZure is pleased to offer you its range of filter elements, interchangeable with all main manufacturers of equipments (OEM) and hydraulic filters. Our interchangeable elements are produced with components of the highest quality level and are constantly monitored to ensure maximum performance, equivalent to the original. It is an ever-expanding range, We kindly invite you to see our online cross-reference to check the equivalences: In case the equivalences are not found, we can evaluate the building also for modest quantities.